Last week I wrote about how we had changed our dining room to make it more Frida friendly, adding some shelves and a table and chairs.

I thought I would also share with you the changes we have made to our sitting room. We really wanted to create a space where Frida feels catered for as this is her home as much as ours.


We added an IKEA Kallax 2×2 so that she has some shelves in the sitting room, and placed a rug in front of the shelves so that it would be a little more appealing as a place to sit and spend time.


We also bought Frida a mini Poang chair to make this little reading corner for her – she is still a little bit small to get herself into the chair independently but soon enough it will be the perfect size for her to sit in. We felt it was important for her to have some furniture in the room which was her size. She also has a small basket of books which she loves rummaging in.

Just as with her other shelves I will rotate Frida’s activities. Currently in the sitting room she has:


Sensory musical blocks. These have different beads contained within, so each block makes a different sound. The coloured panes also make these fun to look through.


Convex / concave mirror. Frida loves mirrors, like most babies! This is a new addition so I am going to enjoy watching her to see if she enjoys using this object.


Sensory jars containing lentils / red rice / wild rice mix. Fun for shaking and exploring.


Grimm’s wooden stacking cups. She used to have these on her shelves in her room, and they tend to be a favourite with her and with visiting babies – these are beautifully made and a joy to handle.

Just making a couple of small changes and adding just two very cheap items of furniture to the room has once again made a huge difference to how it feels, and how child friendly it is. It also makes things easier for us as we no longer have to ferry her things between rooms (and then tidy them all up afterwards!)


How have you made your space more child friendly?

Posted by:Eloise R

6 replies on “Montessori in the home: a baby friendly sitting room

  1. Thanks for the inspiration! We have moved Hamish’s toys onto low shelves so he can choose what he wants to play with. We have also created a reading snug where we read together every day. We have also created a defined space for him in our living area, though he seems to much prefer sitting at my feet watching and participating in whatever I am doing!

    1. Ahh I’m so pleased I could offer some ideas! I’m sure H loves the changes you’ve made. Frida’s current passion is for standing up with the furniture… x

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