As I wrote recently, we have made an effort to ensure that Frida has her own space in our living areas (dining room and sitting room) as well as her own room, and have installed some open shelves in each of these areas.

I am still watching her carefully to see when her activities need rotating and changing, and have recently changed up the content of the shelves in her room.

Currently on her primary shelves:



Grimm’s seven rainbow friends. We love Grimm’s wooden toys in our home, and this is no exception. Frida really enjoys playing with this, taking the figures out of the wooden cups. It will no doubt grow with her, as she will be able to use this for fine motor skill work (replacing the figures), colour matching, and counting, as well as open ended play.


A basket of balls. We tend not to have plastic toys for Frida but two of these balls are plastic and filled with glitter and make a wonderful exception to the rule. She really enjoys this activity and will often get the balls out. They encourage her to crawl after them, and we are practising rolling with her.


Nesting baskets activity. I wanted to give Frida something to practice her fine motor skills and her problem solving, so came up with this simple activity. Three nesting baskets placed one inside the other, with a treasure (in this case a clean set of keys) hidden in the middle. I wasn’t sure how she would respond to this but she has come back to it time and time again and is now much quicker at “solving” the puzzle and removing the lids.


“Moving picture” postcards. I found a selection of these postcards (do you know the type? Where when you move them the image shifts) in Tiger and thought she would enjoy the moving patterns.

I have also left a couple of her favourite activities from the last set:


Family photo basket. A firm favourite, she will rifle through the laminated family photos I made her until she finds the one of herself and then holds it / scrunches it triumphantly. This one is well loved, the others barely used!


Pop-up peg toy. This is still going strong and she is still getting lots out of this activity. Recently she has enjoyed handing pegs to me, I thank her, then pass the peg back to her. Lots of fun.

What are your children enjoying on their shelves at the moment?

Posted by:Eloise R

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