I love making Waldorf stars. They look so beautiful when stuck to a window, and are especially magical when catching the pale winter light. They are deceptively easy to make, and are lovely decorations all year round.

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Window stars

Below I have given step-by-step instructions to make a simple, eight-pointed Waldorf star, but there are many variations which can be found online! Here I have shown a multi-coloured star, but single colour stars also look beautiful.

You will need:

  • Kite paper
  • PVA glue

To make Waldorf window stars: 

Step 1: Take a piece of kite paper. Smaller stars can be made by cutting a piece of paper into quarters first.
Step 2: Fold the paper in half.
Step 3: Fold it back into a square, then in half the opposite way.
Step 4: Fold a corner down into the centre.
Step 5: Repeat with the remaining three corners.
Step 6: Fold one corner in, creating a straight line down the middle.
Step 7: Repeat with the other side.
Step 8: Repeat the whole process with seven more pieces of paper.
Step 9: Stick each piece together, making sure you glue with the folded side facing up.
Step 10: When the star is glued together, turn it round so the folds are at the back. It’s now ready to be glued to a window, using a dab of glue in the centre and at each tip.

Do you enjoy making these stars? Which style do you like the best?

I have a few more wintry posts planned over the next few weeks on how we will be celebrating Christmas as a secular family, some tips for a greener Christmas, and sharing the gifts we have bought Frida. Have you seen my Montessori-friendly gift guide and my list of Winter books we are enjoying

Posted by:Eloise R

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